Monday, March 28, 2011

eggg drop

    it weight 75...
  • Team up with a partner
    • Lilia Vargas
  • Define the challenge, criteria and constraints
    • The challenge: construct a barrier to protect the egg from breaking when dropped off the 2nd floor balcony of the 700 building
    • no constraints or criteria
      • but to get as many points as possible for the achivements one has to:
        • make the barrier a certain size
          • biggest: material fits into a paper box
          • smallest: material fits into an altoid box
  • Brainstorm solutions
    • first:
      • a box with clothing to cover the egg
    • second:
      • bubble wrap,a small box and the egg inside
    • third:
      • two caps inside each other,clothing,inside the cups,than top to cover it and the egg
    • fourth:a bag with clothing and also bubble wrap around the egg to make it stay together and not break
  • Identify materials to bring in for "Build Day" (block day)
    •  clothing racks,two plastic cups and tape and also a cover for the cups.
Brainstorming-Create a sketch of one possible solution. Include labels.
-Create a sketch of another possible solution. Include labels.
-Create a sketch of a third possible solution. Include labels.

Material Prep
-Generate a list of materials required for build day.
  • two cups
  • tape
  • clothing racks
  • a cover
-Document a plan to ensure materials are brought in on block day.
  • well i live with my sister so i made sure that we both remember to bring the materials and i put a alarm on my phone to remind me of the materials in the morning.
Build Achievements
Material Size:
(your egg is not included in the material size)
(air is ubiquitous and not included in material size. "Rare" commodities like helium are.)
-Your materials fit inside a printer paper box
  • a cup is small, so it fit in the printer paper box
-Your materials fit inside a shoe box
  • the cup is smaller than a shoe box, so it fit inside a shoe box as well
Drop Achievements
Drop Accuracy:
  • we hit the center in the middle and than it bounce to the first line..
  • the weight of the cup made it roll to the first line
-You hit the butcher paper and first line.
Egg Resilience:

  • When we unwrapped the egg it was still completely intact, no cracks or anything..we made itttttt yupppppppppp

  • -Your egg didn't break in any way! (awarded three times)
    -Your egg didn't break in any way! (awarded three times)
    -Your egg didn't break in any way! (awarded three times)
    Communicate Results Achievements
    -Create promotional materials for your design.
    -Model your solution using CAD software.
    -Create a multiview drawing of your CAD model.
    -Dimension your multiview drawing.
    Other Achievements
    -Help set up the Bullseye.
    -Come up with a clever name Mr. Olson uses for an existing Achievment.
    -Design an Achievement Mr. Olson approves for next year's Egg Drop Challenge.
    • that they use the least amount of products and that they make it more challenging
    -Suggest a redesign to the activity that Mr Olson confirms he will use for next year's Egg Drop Challenge.
    • let us know that we have to make a drawing or take a picture and also it was a great activity and you should keep on using this activity.
    • make sure that we take a video of it for that we are able to see that falling.
    some of the drawings
    the design that we actually use

    Thursday, March 17, 2011

    Ted video presentation

    1) introduce ted video
    1. who,what,when,where,why
    • who?cythia breazeal and her team members
    • what? a robot that can be use for personal use and that is able to communicate with humans with motions or movement of its body. this robot is also a improvement to other models in.cynthia breazeal is also creating this new generation of robots for that kids can play with them and learn.
    • when? right now in the world and when they realize that their can always be a improvement.
    • where? is laps and in associations to improve this machines(personal life too)
    • why? to improve a technology that has already being created and to make it better for the use of the people and a way of learning about a machine and how they could function.
    2.present Ted video 
    3.Discuss Revelence to Class
    1.  has to do with technology
    2. improving a machine to make it better for the future generations and to help us make our life easier.
    3. engineering is about coming up with new ideas to improve things and to make them better and the robot is relevant to this class because in the video they are trying to improve it and make it better.
    4. they are improving the ability that a robot has to communicate with the people and to understand them
     4.Describe How One Could Get into The Field
    1. go to school (college)
    2. join the robotics club is your local community or in your school
    3. study technology,computers,design and engineering.
    4. get familiar with old studies done and with news about robot
    5. apply or submitted a internship to a association that is involved with robots.
    6. ask for help
    5.Prepare Summary Slide to Use During Voting Session
     personal robots

    Monday, March 14, 2011

    TED...the future robots

    1) What is the TED organization about?
    • the TED organization is about news that are around the world and is to inform the citizens in a website that is non profit organization
    • it is also to spread news that are worth knowing about
    • it allowes people to see videos for free and conferences.
    • the TED organization is also a easy way of finding new things and also of getting out sefls educated.
    2) What is the purpose of their website and how does the functionality of their site support that?
    • the purpose of the website is to inform the public and a easy way to know about problems or inovations in the world from ois,earthquake and even new inventions.
    • also new ideas
    • the website supports this purposes by updating their wedsite and adding new videos.
    • also they made the website easy and uncomplicated for the public to be able to find things.
    3) Show talks related to:
    • in my opinion technology relates a lot to the engeneering because most or all the things in engerreing raleted to it and because in our class we need technology a lot to be able to achieve our goals we need tecnology and in my opinion is very interesting to know about new inovations in the world specially when now a days everythings is related to technology.
    • science could be another interesting topic because it has to do with our class a lot in helping us to answer questions or to know if the project we are making will work by using helps engeneering by helping answer question and by creating a new idea.
    • my third choice is between design and business because design help in designing new items and by creating easier product to use and even prettier. like a ipod touch designer are the ones that help that the ipod keeps on geting smaller and better looking too. business could also be interesting because engeneers need business people to help them with finances and marketing what they are creating.
    4) 3 talks
    • well one of the videos that is interesting is the rising of the robots.this has to do with engeering a lot because robots have being something that they are known for because they are always working in making a newer and better one all the time. it relates to problem solving because their is always something that can be fix in it to make it better. i also pick that video because robots are part of the future.
    • the second video is Gero Miesenboeck reengineers a brain. this is a great problem solving video because it talks about the brain and how we safe information in our brain. this video is related to engenering because is about things that brain and to be able to do engeering we also gotta learn about how our brain works and how we can make it better and it could help understand the steps that our brain makes in learning. this video also relates to enegeneering because it talks about gagets.
    •  Michael Pawlyn: Using nature's genius in architecture...this is the third video i choice and it is about design this video has to do with engeneering because for something to have a purpose and meaning it needs to meet up with the requirement of the way it looks. this video talks about nature and how things have change and how things dont look like they use too.naure has change a lot and a step that we can start to change is our place in were we live and whats around us and it relates to problem solving because the problem is how things have change and the solving is to improve the architecture of the place were we live in.
    • robots were first in another planet before brought actually to earth and for use
    • robots can interact with people much better than a actual person and they will trust them even more and they can be use in many different things
    • play time computing putting real play and also having a robot for that kids can interact with them and making them their own and for that they are able to be creative and learn more.
    • robots can turn in to a private siquit and a friend although at the beginning they were not very advance they have improve alot
    • cynthia with her parthners have realise that robots can be social and helpful and that if they are train they can be productive and become all about interacting with people.
    • they also said that they can help and that they can have emotions although in my opinion i rather talk to real people about my emotions but i do believe that you can trust a robot more because they are fr your personal use..
    • i also think that it is a great idea to create private robots because like that our society become more advance in the technology field
    • in my opinon is right what cynthia is trying to do in helping her kids have fun but still be involve intechnology and who knows they could grow up and try to improve technology.
    • another of the things she talk about was that they have improve it by adding it emotions and movement(making them more helpfull for humans)
    • they are using them in gyms and to keep people on their diets they tell the robot what they have eat and what thy have done.
    6) How could you get involved in the field
    • i could get in this field by joining a team of technology ,go to school and learn more about the subject,try to created my own if i have the right tools,talk to people who are involve in that field for that they can help me.
    • well i will need a lot of experience in the science field be good in math,go to school and try really hard because making a robot is not a easy thing because if it was their will be a lot of robots and we could be experts in the subject.
    • the training i could need will be to try it on my own and build proto types (models) and put my ideas to work and from my mistakes i will get experience and training too.
    • the best way to get involve at my age will be to join a robot club at my school.

    Tuesday, March 8, 2011

    Reverse Engineering: Mechanicnal Product - Functional Analysis

    1)primary fuction
    • the primary fuction of the torch light pen is to provide a stady and color to our wtitting and also to provide light when we need it light when we forget to pay the light bill or when mom tells us to turn of the light so it allows to see in the dark.
    2)this product operates

    • the top part of the pen is twist to provide light  and stability to the light and until the top part is twist back the light will go off.The gear-like object on the top (cover by a silver color ot metal) allows the top of the torch pen to turn in only one direction.
    • the ink is protected inside the metal of the pen to separate it from the light
    • the bottom part of the torch pen is were the pen is the part that is use to write and the tighting of the sides makes the pen be control by a hand movement that can go to any side.
    • that pen can only be use in paper and carton but not in plastic things or in metal.
    3)black box
    black box

    4. What mechanical components are visible?
    • the only visible components of the torch light pen is the bottom to turn on the light and the tip of the pen to write.
    • also were the light comes out.
    the top were the light comes out
    5. What is it about this device’s function that you cannot identify,
    • i can identify how the light turns on when the bottom is push because the inside of the pen is cover the outere structure of the pen.
    • i also can identify hgow the pen and the llight can function at the same time because of the outure structure.

    Friday, March 4, 2011

    Reverse Engineering: Mechanicnal Product - Functional Analysis

    • 1)primary fuction
    • the primary fuction of the torch light pen is to provide a stady and color to our wtitting and also to provide light when we need it light when we forget to pay the light bill or when mom tells us to turn of the light so it allows to see in the dark.
    2)this product operates
    • the top part of the pen is twist to provide light  and stability to the light and until the top part is twist back the light will go off.The gear-like object on the top (cover by a silver color ot metal) allows the top of the torch pen to turn in only one direction.
    • the ink is protected inside the metal of the pen to separate it from the light
    • the bottom part of the torch pen is were the pen is the part that is use to write and the tighting of the sides makes the pen be control by a hand movement that can go to any side.
    • that pen can only be use in paper and carton but not in plastic things or in metal.
    ....i still need to finish it this is just a preview...

    Thursday, March 3, 2011

    picture number 1 front

    this pen is able to light dark rooms and it multi task because what about if the lights of your house go off and you can easily grap your pen and light your way safely. the name of the pen is torch light pen and its price ranges from 5 dollars to 26 dollars. the cheaper ones work good too but they are not in silver color.
    1) this picture shows the front side of the pen


    picture number 2 top
    picture number 3 side
    2)this picture shows the top of the pen and it is were the light comes from.this is a great pen because it doesnt disrup you while writting.
    3)thats the side view this view shows that the pen is not really thick and that



    Perform a Product Analysis
    Visual Analysis
    1)the product is color silver and it has a meatllic feel to it .the silver color makes the pen stand out but not to much and it also makes the pen look fancy.
    • the pen is shape in a straight line and it doesnt have any curbs to it.
    • texture it is smooth and it makes it easy to travel with because is not heavy.
    • the pen is balance and although it doesnt have any patterns that repeat it self it doesnt mean that the pen is boring is just simple. giving every part the same power and not making one part over power the other parts.balance makes the pen not be heavy.
    • it doesnt have proportinon because their is no need of giving a part more power and the main idea about the torch light pen is to be simple and ordinary and easy to carry and handle at work or at school if one side was bigger it will make it stand out and not easy to handle.

    • Functional Analysis
      •  the purpose of the pen is to provide light and help in time of need because what about if the light in a house goes out and you are not able to see you can just open your night table and take out the pen and it will provide light to help you find the way to the door.
      • the other purpose of the light is to be able to multi task and honestly thats great because i am buying two things in one a pen to write and a pen that provides light.
      • well the mechanical nature of the pen supports this because it provides both of the things that it says it provides and un like many things out their that dont really work.

    Analyze the target audience/demographics
    • well the target of the pen is to show that it can be also use in emergencies and that it can be use at writting and most of the people that could buy a pen like this will be older people because sometimes they carry a little light to be able to see better or when they wake up late at night and they are afraid of falling down they can grap the pen and press on the buttom and find their way to the switch to turn on the light.
    • it could also interest companies because the pen is fancy looking and because they like to save money in anything so like that they feel like they are buying two things in one
    • the target is to bring a new product out that works great and that is great to carry around too
    • in my opinion i like it because i have had it for one year and the light still turns on and honestly not even a watch battery last a year sometimes and another great thing is that i can still write with it.
    • i like it too because i can carry it without feeling that i am carring a boring pen and when people ask me do you have a pen and i say yes they think the pen is great looking and it makes me feel fancy.
    • Draw a sketch of your chooseing (isometric, multi-view, etc.)

    • Label the sketch with dimensions and other relevant information
    • Post the sketch to your blo